Radio LOOS V/Meira Asher - Three Pieces on the Colonisation of Palestine

Friday, 11th June 2021

Dear Listeners, Radio LOOS is presenting the first of three shows on Political Art Radio. First up is sound and noise artist and radio maker Meira Asher. I have seen many of you posting things on the humanitarian crisis in Palestine. Let’s listen to Meira, who is involved as an activist, as well as an artist. And If you are in any way interested in noise, field recording, the voice, and sound in general you should not miss out on her work. This feature of Radio LOOS is really her feature, as she and the situation at hand deserve to be heard. We will hear three of her pieces as well as her account of the situation that surrounds her, in dialogue with Jeremy Young and myself. Radio LOOS is the radio branch of Studio Loos.

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