Listening to the Universe - Radiophonien des Alls

Listening to the Universe - Radiophonien des Alls is happening right now. I will hop on a few trams in a minute to join the festival and play a concert of sounds of different missions from the NASA archives. Listen in on FM 88.4 in Berlin and 90.7 in Potsdam, over mini FM on location and on the Internet via and

The following radio stations will be transmitting Datscha Radio’s programme: Soundart Radio (Devon/UK), Radio Lora (Zurich/CH), Radio free FM (Ulm), Radio Blau (Leipzig), Radio Helsinki (Graz/Aut), Freies Radio Neumünster, Archipel Stations (Berlin). Some words from the curators: “Listening to the Universe – Radiophonien des Alls“ is dedicated to themes and music inspired by the phenomenon of the comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle. Every year, around August 12, as the Earth draws close to the comet’s orbit, fragments of the comet fall into the Earth’s atmosphere at high speeds and light up in the form of shooting stars.

With a broad spectrum of topics – from cosmogonical myths to the signals of meteor detectors, from starlight-inspired violin improvisations to experimental horoscopes – Datscha Radio hopes to trace the path of these ‘falling stars’ to their manifestations in space and matter as the fictions and artistic responses that are bound up with them."